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Breast Implant Illness: Can we fast track help?
For all viewers (23mins)
Danielle Valoras ( USA)
1. A personal story describing symptoms and actions
2. The latest research from Brazil from the Breast Implant Illness Health Summit
3. How to get help
Danielle can be contacted + access to BIHealth Summit can be purchased
How to get help for pelvic health issues
For non-HP viewers (27 mins)
Beth Hoag (Canada) updates us on:
1. Genito-urinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM)
2. Education services are key
3. How to find a trained health professional
Connect with Beth here for in-room ( Ottawa) or online consult services
Treatment devices to manage tight muscles /fascia and pain
For non-HP viewers (11mins)
Ainslie McLean (USA) updates us on:
1. A range of rolling devices and compression devices
2. Personal experience in using a low-level laser
Integrative medicine and acupuncture
For all viewers
Dr Angela Lorbeck (USA) updates us on:
1. Integrative medicine and complementary care within a hospital system
2. The top three reasons people seek complementary care
3. How acupuncture helps relieve common side effect experiences
Dr Angela can be contacted for in-room care ( Chicago)
ALND: A new assessment method for health professionals
For HP viewers (19 mins)
Denise Stewart (AUSTRALIA) updates us on:
1. Why pec minor can indicate local impairments from ALND
2. TWO different ways to measure pec minor (research)
3. A modification for solo therapists to trial
Connect with Denise Stewart ( Australia) for health /exercise professional training
Exercise Screening Tool for health/exercise professionals to use
For HP viewers
Susannah Haarmann (USA) updates us on:
1. An exercise screening tool for planning safe exercise for breast cancer pts.
2. View Susannah's new collation: potential risks associated with a range of breast cancer treatments and how it can be used in your practice.
Susannah is available for in-room services (North Carolina) and