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Breast Cancer Rehabilitation & Wellness Resource  2017      Week 3

Ideas for week 3
  • Practice daily meditation ( Charlotte's presentation) 
  • 30 mins of exercise that suits you each day it can be to music (see Andrea's presentation).   
  • Continue with your favorite food preparation methods suggested by Dr David.
  •  If you are feeling fatigued, start recording your weeks activities ( Dr Carolina's presentation) and decide if you need some help to manage fatigue better.
  • Use foundation 96 to find your local scar tissue, Yoga or Oncology massage therapists or Exercise/ Fitness instructor.
Help crowd fund this project 

Andrea Melendi

Physical therapist services in Argentina

  1.  Zumba class for women after breast cancer

  2. Treatment to change tightness at the shoulder after mastectomy.

  3. Importance of treating problems with  musculo- skeletal and breathing patterns.

USE CC on Youtube to translate- interesting to watch 

All information presented here is general advice only and not personalized advice. Viewing this program is done in agreement with the terms and conditions of this website

Charlotte Nuessle

Meditation practice  

  1.  How to feel the support you feel need.

  2. Follow three short guided meditations to develop your own inner support.

Dr Caroline Sandler

Taking action on cancer related fatigue.

  1. Identify some trigger and patterns in post-cancer fatigue

  2.  Learn some strategies for managing energy / fatigue.

  3. Learn how to start a graded exercise therapy program.

Dr Anna Burrows

Menopause: Non Hormonal treatment for vaginal changes.

  1. See how the tissues respond with menopause.

  2. What is a healing laser treatment.

  3. How do the tissues improve.

Marianne Cirone

Yoga as therapy: Safe practice guidelines

  1. Hear about the research behind yoga after cancer.

  2. Where to look for the current safety guidelines.

  3. All Yoga is different - do we know which one to do.

Elisabeth Josenhans

Mastectomy and cording scar treatment

  1. See how scar massage is done by an experienced therapist.

  2. See how cupping technique can be used for scar treatment.

  3. The importance of treating the arm in different positions.

Eeris Kallil

Massage therapy: Core Alignment Technique

  1.  Combining methods by a massage therapist can  bring a new style of massage that can deal with the problems specific to breast cancer.

  2. See examples of the Core Alignment Technique.

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